Manna from Comedy Heaven

Manna from Comedy Heaven

My Fellow Comedists,

You know, you hate to look a gift horse in the mouth, but sometimes the Cosmic Comic sends a set-up so easy you wish for a challenge. Crotch shots by Congressman Wiener. The only thing easier IS Congressman Wiener. It leads to the obvious question, what is the easiest set-up you ever received.

I was teaching an ethics class and discussing the difference between moral precepts and social mores. When a student asked "Steve, what are mores?" I simply responded, "When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that's a more."

What's the easiest set up you ever got?

Live, love, and laugh,

Irreverend Steve

- Happy Saint Shecky's Day!
My Fellow Comedists, On this, the holiest day of the year for us, Saint Shecky's Day, I bring you greetings and inspiration. Comedism began when the great Cosmic Comic taught the teacher. I was a younger instructor, teaching just my third class,...

- Happy Saint Shecky's Day!
My Fellow Comedists, On this, the holiest day of the year for us, Saint Shecky's Day, I bring you greetings and inspiration. Comedism began when the great Cosmic Comic taught the teacher. I was a younger instructor, teaching just my third class,...

- Happy Saint Shecky's Day
My Fellow Comedists, This is the holiest day of year for Comedists, the feast day of Saint Shecky. For those unschooled in the new religion, it all began when I was teaching an ethics class at a community college and was trying to explain the difference...

- Comedist Theology
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, For those who are new to the Playground, weekends are dedicated to Comedism, the new religion. It's been a while since we've looked at the basic tents of the faith,so this weekend we'll...

- The Birth Of Comedism
How did the new religion, Comedism, come to be? It was many years ago (well, nine), when I was teaching ethics at night for a local community college. I was trying to draw the distinction between ethical precepts and social mores. A student raised his...

