AA Destroying The Social Lives of Thousands of Once-Fun Americans

Don't you just hate it when a once fun-loving friend either becomes a Born-Again-Christian or joins Alcoholic Anonymous, and then starts constantly moralizing and preaching his newly discovered sense of black and white righteous indignation?
Man, it's like you can't be a bigger party pooper than a former drunk. And The Onion pundits argue that when sobriety turns you into a sanctimonious jerk, it's time to get on the sauce again :)
Cheers! And bottoms up! :)
Betty Ford's Contribution
Let us raise a glass to the memory of Betty Ford. Yes, a bad joke. What Betty Ford did is to bring the notion of addiction into a new cultural place. Before Betty Ford, the alcoholic was the drunk, someone dirty, unable to hold down a job, living in the...
Can We Stick A Fork In Him Yet?
So a tape of racist, sexist, anti-Semite, drunk driver and wife beater Mel Gibson's verbal abuse has been released as they are going through divorce hearings. Why is he still working? Is it that he's good looking? Is it that his fame is pre-established...
Comedy Isn't Pretty
My Fellow Comedists, With the arrival of the holiday season come all of the usual entertainment offerings, most of which make my stomach turn. But one that stands out is the up-dated version of A Christmas Carol with Bill Murray, "Scrooged." Murray, a...
Banal Eloquence, Indeed
TheWife was fuming yesterday. George Will, she ranted, had said the most inane thing she'd heard in a long time...and when you are on a panel with Cokie Roberts and you're contribution is still more inane, that's really saying something. ...
Judge Rules White Girl Will Be Tried As A Black Adult
We in America have something of a tarnished history when it comes to inequality, what with slavery, racism, institutional discrimination, etc. Still, we rightly affirm the value of this ideal, and are constantly working to make sure we do not discriminate...