Stephen Colbert Occupies Occupy Wall Street
Inspired by Dick Armey and how he co-opted the Tea Party and gave their fringe beliefs a national platform, Comrade Che Colbert wants his Super PAC to capitalize on the growing Occupy Wall Street movement.
So, he met with two young idealists whose democratic, political and social awareness, while admittedly quirky, demonstrate a level of intellectual sophistication you just don't see among tea-baggers.
In the process, Colbert managed to produce a hilarious interview showing his off-the-cuff comedic genius:
And here's the dramatic conclusion
Hilarious :)
Take The Money, Donald Trump! Do It For The Children!
Apparently Donald Trump wants to help charities, but he won't donate the money without extorting President Obama to release documents that, let's face it, will not satisfy the birthers and their conspiracy theories. Fortunately, Stephen Colbert...
Ecce Homo Art "restorator" Alpha Dog
A few weeks ago we posted a video on our Google+ page about a Spanish lady who attempted to "restore" an ecce homo fresco of Jesus. The New York Times also reported on it. Well, what started out as the presumed Son of God turned in her capable hands into...
Colbert And The Dirt Bike Badass In The Lincoln Tunnel
Let's face it, no one likes to commute... I don't know how I would survive my commute to work, or at least retain my sanity, if it weren't for books and an ipod full of books and podcasts. But among all the repetitive daily drudgery of traveling...
The Evolution Of The Y-chromosome In The Colbert Report
Though I like to try to keep up with scientific developments, and consider myself relatively literate (for a layman) in these matters, there are times when I am truly surprised at the fact that something I thought I basically understood turns out to be...
Colbert And Maurice Sendak On Children's Books
If you have kids, I hope you've been smart enough to realize that most children's books are written by idiots and celebrities (a distinction usually without a difference) who most likely write for children because they certainly would not be able...