"YouTube"...venue for instruction and knowledge?

Frankly, it has great potential. It offers the ability for students and non-students [the general public] to witness college lectures for free. They can be viewed over and over, sometimes down loadable, and even embedded [as done here at POSP]. In some cases it may even save gasoline or offer availability during inclement weather. And it is a great repository of knowledge. Next to libraries this is a wonderful advancement in the dissemination of knowledge.Abstract:
YouTube ( is an online, public-access videosharing site that allows users to post short streaming-video submissions for open viewing. Along with Google, MySpace, Facebook, etc. it is one of the great success stories of the Internet, and is widely used by many of today's undergraduate students. The higher education sector has recently realised the potential of YouTube for presenting teaching resources/material to students, and publicising research. This article considers another potential use for online video archiving web sites such as YouTube and GoogleVideo in higher education - as an online video archive providing thousands of hours of video footage for use in lectures. In this article I will discuss why this might be useful, present some examples that demonstrate the potential for YouTube as a teaching resource, and highlight some of the copyright and legal issues that currently impact on the effective use of new online video web sites, such as YouTube, for use as a teaching resource.The latent potential of YouTube - Will it become the 21st Century Lecturer's Film Archive?
University of California, BerkeleyUC Berkeley
California University SystemUCSDTV
Stanford Linear Accelerator CenterSLAC Colloquium
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMITOPENCOURSEWARE
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