"Inglourious Basterds"...Glen Cinema Disaster [12/31/29]...nitrocellulose film stock
Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds [2009], Glen Cinema Disaster on December 31st, 1929 [Paisley, Scotland], nitrocellulose film stock...what's the connection?What is the connection?--Christian Friedrich Schönbein and the discovery of nitrocellulose.
Christian Friedrich SchönbeinOctober 18th, 1799 to August 29th, 1868 His discovery of the powerful explosive called cellulose nitrate, or gun cotton, was the result of a laboratory accident. One day in 1845 he spilled sulfuric and nitric acids and soaked it with a cotton apron. After the apron dried, it burst into flame - he had created nitrated cellulose. He found that cellulose nitrate could be molded and had some elastic properties. It eventually was used for smokeless gun powder and motion picture and still film base.A tragedy in a theater in Paisley, Scotland on December 31st, 1929 that killed 69 children was blamed on nitrate film and in the fictional Tarantino film the destructive powers of nitrate film employed was exploited.Christian Friedrich Schönbein [Wikipedia]Nitrocellulose film stock was also used in still film photography as by Anne Brigman.
The Bubble 1907From series "Book 2, Anne Brigman"Gelatin on nitrocellulose 4 X 5 sheet filmGeorge Eastman House Anne Brigman [Wikipedia]
When Nietzsche Wept
I am somewhat conflicted about posting the movie below. On the one hand, since philosophy deals with ideas and abstractions not easily captured through a visual medium, it's difficult to find video material that I can use to expose my intelligent...
The Library Of Congress And Silent Films
"Library of Congress study sees troubling loss of silent feature films" The report commissioned by the National Film Preservation Board pinpoints the number of works that have survived. Some movies have been found abroad. by Susan King December 4th,...
"too Much Johnson" Redux
Joseph Cotton and Edgar Barrier in the 1938 Orson Welles film Too Much Johnson. "Orson Welles lost film screened in Italy" Too Much Johnson, a silent film made by Orson Welles in 1938 and lost for three decades, has been restored and is being screened...
Two Historical Cinematic Halloween Offerings
Above is an example of the two-strip cemented positive process. Film strip A is the black and white negative. Film strip B is the black and white silver record of the red layer. Film strip C is the black and white silver record of the green layer. ...
Part Of Eastman Kodak Will Close
I never thought that this would happen, but then I could see the trends: Digital photography and Kodak's film and paper selection greatly diminished over the years. It is a form of classic photography that will be missed by us old timers. "Kodak...