Philosophers in Love: Where to Find a Philosopher

Philosophers in Love: Where to Find a Philosopher

So, let's assume that after all of these blog posts on philosophers, you simply have to go out and find yourself a philosopher of your very own. Where might you find one? I've created a graph that might help you in your endeavors.

[Note: This graph is also useful if you have a philosopher, but you've misplaced her/him somehow].

Click on the graph to make it larger.

This is, of course, super-scientific, so please interpret this graph as if it is 100% accurate. [Note: Sarcasm alert!! This is for you, next anonymous commenter who reminds me that all philosophers are unique snowflakes].

You can follow me on twitter (@philosiologist) or friend me on facebook (Philosiologist Qed). I also usually answer emails eventually (left sidebar). If you have an offspring or are an offspring of a philosopher and would like to recommend your offspring to write/write a guest blog post about what it's like to be a philosopher's offspring, please send me an email or fb message.


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