Philosophers 101

Philosophers 101

Being related in any way to a philosopher can be a very rewarding experience. Philosophers tend to ask good questions and contribute wealth of knowledge to conversation in general; they are hard-workers; they often develop an interest or two outside of their philosophy work (because it's so blasted hard). Most people run into problems with philosophers in several main ways: (1) a general misunderstanding of what philosophers are trying to say, (2) feeling attacked all the time, (3) being completely uninterested in their philosopher's work and not knowing how to communicate this while also communicating that they love their philosopher, (4) understanding what is so bloody important about philosophy anyway, and (5) showing them that it's safe come out of philosophy-world sometimes.

I have only been around my philosopher for five years (in April), but these are some lessons that I hope will aid you in understanding your philosopher.

If you have any suggestions for blog topics or questions about your philosopher, please send me an email.

~The Philosiologist

- Meet The Parents: Introducing Your Philosopher To The Non-philosophers In Your Life
Unless you have no friendships and/or biological connections with other people (it happens), there will come a point where you will find yourself in a place where you will have to introduce friends or family members to your philosopher. As with any other...

- What Do Philosophers Consume?
This chart is a 100%, scientific, and accurate* representation of what philosophers consume when left unattended. (Click on the image to enlarge it). I hope this helps. You may want to intervene and present your philosopher with nutrient-rich meals every...

- Philosophers In Love: Funny Things About Living With A Philosopher
"A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other."- From Charles Dickens? A Tale of Two Cities Philosophers, being rather strange in many ways (delightfully strange, in my...

- Philosopher Faces: What Non-philosophers See
Despite the caffeine I've consumed today, I have not been very clear-thinking (there was a brief window of thought-clarity this morning, but it was taken up by work at my real job), so I drew a graph of philosopher-faces for the post. This is an extremely...

- Who Is Better Able To Philosophize? The Young Or The Old?
The Republic of Plato contains many philosophies and the philosophers who create them. The philosophers of the Republic of Plato express in depth interpretations of the world that reveal their amazing intelligence. These interpretations are argued and...

