

Hello, illustrious readers,

So sorry for not posting for a few days. I've been lying in wait for the computer, hoping that my philosopher would take a break from the paper-writing and student-grade-preparing. He is taking a break now, so I'm going to work up something soon-ish.

I'm alive and breathing and very hyped-up on coffee, with no intentions to really take a break from the blog. So sorry to not post as much during paper-writing/grading season, when a silly, little blog like mine might be a fun diversion.

~The Philosiologist~

- Meme: Passion Quilt
I generally avoid blog memes, but Janet tagged me with an interesting one -- and it's the end of finals week... The challenge is: Post a picture or make/take/create your own that captures what YOU are most passionate for students to learn about. Give...

- A Grading Thought Experiment
This is one of the times of year when those of my ilk turn from teachers into graders. A colleague of mine proposed an experiment the other day and I'm interested to see if your intuitions are the same as mine. Take a stack of papers, grade just...

- Philosophers In Love: Where To Find A Philosopher
So, let's assume that after all of these blog posts on philosophers, you simply have to go out and find yourself a philosopher of your very own. Where might you find one? I've created a graph that might help you in your endeavors. [Note: This...

- Thank You!
Dear readers: While taking a break from this blog, and as I've been trying to figure out how to deal with some recent personal problems, I've received many words of support and encouragement from good friends, former students and regular readers...

- Blog Hiatus
As you probably surmise, dear readers, this blog is a product of love. I firmly believe that exposing others to interesting, challenging and diverse ideas might just be the spark that can inspire someone to pursue any of these questions in more depth....

