Your science "interest[s]" poll

Your science "interest[s]" poll

Your science interest[s]







- Intelligent Design Question: What Is A Scientist?
I'm wrapping up work on my textbook Methods and Models: A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Science and have run into a question. The book has an interesting structure. There are six chapters of readings like all other textbooks, but running...

- Darwin The Poll
Well it looks like Darwin won the poll here at POSP. 27 readers responded: 17 [62%] said they would celebrate the year of Darwin, 7 [25%] said no, and 3 [11%] weren't sure what they were going to do. More people have an interest in the Darwin event...

- Astronomy 2009 Poll
I was somewhat surprised at the poll results in that 5 out of 12 voters indicated that they would not participate in any manner in the celebration of astronomy for 2009. I would like to discover why. Maybe interest in Darwin will fair better....

- "academic Earth"--lectures Online
Billed as "Thousands of video lectures from the world's top scholars." The subjects cover astronomy, biology, chemistry, computer science, economics, engineering, English, entrepreneurship, history, law, mathematics, medicine, philosophy, physics,...

- Xump--online "science Toys"
I have searched the Internet and have found a wide selection of "science toys" at XUMP covering astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, and physics. Many novelty items including posters. And there are holiday sale prices. There is a handy search engine...

