You Learn Something New Everyday

You Learn Something New Everyday

Do you really learn something new everyday? Is this romanticized nonsense or is it actually the case? Is it necessarily true or does it just happen to be true? Is it trivial or meaningful?

- You Ain't Gonna Learn What You Don't Want To Know
Perhaps the most insightful of all of Robert Hunter's lyrics is the line, "You ain't gonna learn what you don't want to know." But, that is the job of some folks...say, philosophers. How does one best motivate someone to learn something he...

- What Is Common Sense?
"Sure he's smart, but he's got no COMMON SENSE." Man, I hate that. What is this "common sense" of which they speak? How do I know for any given sentence X whether X is common sense? Does that mean it is simply widely known? Is it self-evident?...

- Physics
Learn a new field of science or simply refresh. This was brought to my attention by POSP stringer Tim. Physics for the 21st Century was designed for adult learners, including high school teachers, undergraduates, and the interested public—college...

- Five Years Year Of Physics 2005
The World Year of Physics (WYP 2005) was a worldwide celebration of physics and its importance in our everyday lives. Physics not only plays an important role in the development of science and technology, but also has a tremendous impact on our society....

- "watch Mr. Wizard"--1954 Episode
As you recall, Mr. Wizard [Don Herbert] passed away last year and left, no doubt, an entourage of scientists behind. Things were, in retrospect, sillier and simpler back in the 1950s but nevertheless periodically offered science venues via the new medium...

