Wonks and the Nerd Taxonomy

Wonks and the Nerd Taxonomy

Heard the word "wonk" used on the radio this morning and it started me thinking.  "Wonk" is used to refer to policy nerds.  But, of course, there are quite distinct nerd populations, some of which are even in perpetual conflict (Hat tip to Nick for this one)  Do we have other terms that are discipline-specific nerd markers?  If not, for what groups ought we have them and what would be possible options?

- Fricking Fracking Fixtures
Two questions from Michael Schmidt.  First, "Frack" a suitable substitute for the expletive "fuck," and "frickin'" (or "frikkin'") is a suitable substitute for the participle "fuckin'". Why, then, is "frick" rarely used as a substitute...

- Justifying Fashion
This is fashion week in New York.  To be honest, I've always had an antipathy for fashion.  Growing up as a nerd in an upper-middle class suburb, fashion always seemed to me to be a two-pronged evil.  On the one hand, it was something...

- Grammar Curmudeons
Had a student ask yesterday about grammatical pet peeves.  His was "irregardless."  My big three are: 1)  "Quote" used for "quotation."  Quote is a verb.  You quote someone.  What you write down is not a quote, but a quotation. ...

- Roots Of Nerd Rock
There are a set of bands that are comprised of and have music aimed at nerds. Go to see Moxy Fruvous, They Might Be Giants, or Weezer and you'll be comfortably in the company of nerds galore. How far back does this movement go? Who are the founding...

- Religious Fundamentalists Are The Ultimate Nerds
When you think of a nerd, you probably have a very specific image in your mind of someone who wears thick glasses and lacks physical and social grace, but if you were to think about the general qualities that characterize a nerd, you'd find things...

