Why Do We Resent the Good?

Why Do We Resent the Good?

I've been thinking about the derogatory term "goody-goody," the label we attach to those who do the right thing even when it is not to their advantage. We give lip service to doing the right thing, but in cases where we are called upon to do it, we resent those who follow through at the cost of our own comfort. The person who reminds the teacher that she forgot to collect the homework assignment is subject to retribution. We see this reflected politically in Rush Limbaugh's rants against helping the Haitian people in their time of greatest need.

It cannot be simply that these people touch on our insecurities because the same treatment is not reserved for those who are better looking, more athletic, or more artistic. What accounts for this?

- Appeal To Irony
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- When Is Thoughtfulness Morally Necessary?
Ethicists use the term "supererogatory" for acts that are above and beyond the call of duty, that is, acts that are good, but not morally required. I've been thinking lately about how we draw this line. You're standing in line at the grocery...

- The Ethics Of Extensions
I've been thinking about this question lately after Confused, Maybe Not and I had a discussion about some of our colleagues' policies on giving extensions on assignments and on moving exam dates. Many of those who are rigid about not giving extensions...

- Moral Dilemma
I often get asked the old question whether you can teach character and if not what is the point of teaching ethics. I don't think you can train people to do what they should do, especially not at the college level, but then I also don't think...

- Of Gadflies And Gore
In his interview with Al Gore last week, Jon Stewart asked why people get angry when one brings up global warming. One would expect anger -- anger at the destruction of the earth, anger at the impending loss of life and property, anger at the greed and...

