Why Do Kids Love Dinosaurs?

Why Do Kids Love Dinosaurs?

What is it about dinosaurs that fascinate kids? A former colleague argued that kids like to have imaginary friends who are bigger than and can eat Daddy. Dinosaurs provide a sort of power balance. My thought was that dinosaurs provide a seemingly make-believe world that you are allowed to believe in. Then there's the possibility that is is left over marketing reverberations from "Land of the Lost" days. The fact that the most popular dinosaur is Tyrannosaurus Rex seems to support the first surmise. I know there are different things that attract different people, but for most kids, what's the attraction?

By the way, if you are ever Tucumcari, New Mexico, there's a great dinosaur museum associated with the local community college. Very well done, lots to see. The kids loved it. (Extra credit for the first person to name a song with "Tucumcari" in it.)

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- Charles R. Knight...father Of Dinosaur Art
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- Bambiraptor Purloined For Bucks
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