Who Are the Best Looking Philosophers?
So, a student yesterday asked who were the best looking analytic philosophers, not convinced that there actually were any. My initial response -- aside from yours truly, of course -- was Moritz Schlick whom I'd always thought had that handsome strict German professor thing working for him.

The student wasn't impressed.
To be shallow, one of the fun things about attending meetings of the American Philosophical Association is looking at name tags and getting to see what your philosophical heroes actually look like in real life. I remember first seeing Michael Friedman, one of the finest scholars and smartest humans alive, and thinking, "Oh my God. He's a short, bald, Jewish guy. He writes so much taller with more hair. Maybe there is hope for me in this field, yet."
So, pulling from the entire history of the field and allowing liberal use of the term "philosopher", who are the best looking philosophers? We'll accept nominations in any standardly recognized category.
Categorizing Jobs For Philosophers
The American Philosophical Association produces a publication called "Jobs for Philosophers" (and, no, the plural is not meant ironically) that lists pretty much every open academic position in the field. When you have a line to fill, you run an ad in...
Hell Comes To Baltimore
This weekend is the annual eastern meeting of the American Philosophical Association and this year it is in Baltimore. The APA has three meetings each year, the eastern, central, and pacific meetings, but the eastern meeting is where every philosophy...
Questions/topics To Avoid With Philosophers
There are a few phrases that get said to or questions that get asked of philosophers that absolutely drive them crazy?in a really bad way. Keep in mind that you can use these if and only if [my philosopher protests to my incorrect usage of iff in this...
Philosophers 101
Being related in any way to a philosopher can be a very rewarding experience. Philosophers tend to ask good questions and contribute wealth of knowledge to conversation in general; they are hard-workers; they often develop an interest or two outside of...
Eastern Philosophy
Many societies have considered philosophical questions and built philosophical traditions based upon each other's works. Eastern and Middle Eastern philosophical traditions have influenced Western philosophers. Russian (which to many people still...