White House recruits University of British Columbia physics professor

"UBC physics prof Carl Weiman takes science job in White House"
Stephen Thomson
September 23rd, 2010
Carl Weiman, a Nobel Prize-winning University of B.C. physics professor, is taking a job in the White House.Weiman will become Associate Director for Science, Office of Science and Technology Policy, U.S. President Barack Obama announced today (September 23).In 2007, Wieman joined UBC’s science faculty as a professor and director of the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative (CWSEI), an internationally recognized program to improve how undergraduate students receive science education.In 2001, he shared a Noble Prize in physics for producing a type of matter known as Bose-Einstein condensate.Obama announced that Weiman and three others have been nominated to join the administration.“I am grateful that these exceptional individuals have chosen to dedicate their talents to serving the American people,” Obama said in a news release. “I look forward to working with them in the months and years ahead.”Weiman will take an unpaid leave of absence from UBC, according to a news release from the university.“The CWSEI has made an indelible impact on thousands of UBC students and we have no doubt Carl will affect wider change in science education in American schools through his new role,” UBC president Stephen Toope said in a news release. “We wish him the best in Washington and look forward to him rejoining us.”Carl Weiman [Wikipedia]
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