What Races Are You Watching?

What Races Are You Watching?

What races are you particularly interested in? Any local elections that have your attention?

In my case, the Frederick County commissioners race is the interesting one. There is a deep divide between the pro-growth and smart growth candidates and it will be interesting to see the results. Of the slow growth folks, I have a special interest in seeing how Kai Hagen does. A smart man with a good heart, he's been a real gift to this county and it would be wonderful to see him in a position to do some good work.

Nationwide, the race that most has my eye is the Tester/Burns race in Montana. Man, would it be wonderful to have a flat-topped, burly, organic farmer in the senate instead of an Abramoff crony.

What's got your attention?

- Race And Ethnicity
I am reading a fascinating manuscript tracing the science and politics behind the concept of race. The typological approach to biology that gave us the notion of race was shown to be deeply flawed by genetics research that clearly demonstrated that if...

- The Police And Bitter Old Liberals
Since their re-union tour is connected with the Virgin festival which is coming to Baltimore, local stations have been playing a lot of Police. Tunes I haven't heard in years. That was some good stuff. It's made me think... Sting has done fine...

- More Bad Gifts
My discussion of bad gifts got picked up a couple of places, including the Sacramento Bee and the Washington Times (yes, that Washington Times). Let me make one clarification. I am not saying that there are no cases in which gift cards make good gifts....

- Who Do You Feel Sorry For?
I feel sorry for former Maryland Lieutenant governor Kathleen Kennedy Townshend. Before George "Macaca" Allen's implosion took him from shoe-in to laughing stock, she had a firm grip on the title of "worst political campaign in the last decade." I...

- Organic Foods...no Better
Now science has offered an opinion regarding organic foods...no better and marginally nutritional as its counterpart. Was this nothing more than a marketing ploy? "Organic food is no healthier, study finds" by Ben Hirschler July 29th, 2009 Reuters ...

