Velveeta...hated, but good food

I suppose the two most hated foods are Velveeta and, both foods of the poor.On this date...In 1928, Kraft's Velveeta Cheese was invented. It was packaged using the 1921 invention of a tinfoil lining that could house the cheese inside a wooden box. Its special cooking properties quickly caught on. When melted, it was as smooth as velvet (hence its name), and it would never curdle when heated. Make this dip for a Sunday football game or any specialIt replaced canned cheese. James L. Kraft founded J.L Kraft Bros. cheese factory in Stockton, Illinois in 1914. He introduced the company's first cheese in tins a year later. In 1917, Kraft cheese in tins was accompanying WWI soldiers to foreign fronts. Velveeta [Wikipedia]
Tis The Season For Cheeses And Their Chemistry
"Blessed are the cheesemakers" by Andy Extance November 29th, 2013 Chemistry World As metal arms twirl across a vat of liquid whose buttery yellow colour hints at its destiny, bacteria, enzymes and proteins are doing their own dance beneath the surface....
"armchair Science" Old British Popular Science Magazine
April 1929 Volume 1 Number 1 Wikipedia... "Armchair Science" was a British monthly journal of topical and popular science articles published from 1929 to 1940; it ceased publication because of wartime paper shortages. The first editor was A. Percy Bradley,...
Moon Made Of Cheese?
Myth, fable, folklore, and linguistics are involved. There exists a family of stories in comparative mythology in diverse countries that concern a simpleton who sees a reflection of the Moon and mistakes it for a round cheese: ... the Servian tale...
Government Regulations Vs A Small Cheeser
Just sign a waiver before consumption. "Small Cheesemaker Defies F.D.A. Over Recall" by William Neuman November 19th, 2010 The New York Times The foodies raved. The feds raided. And now Kelli Estrella, a farmer and award-winning cheesemaker whose pastureland...
Culinary Books--old
Othmer Library... Culinary chemistry: Culinary chemistry, exhibiting the scientific principles of cookery, with concise instructions for preparing good and wholesome pickles, vinegar, conserves, fruit jellies, marmalades, and various other alimentary...