UPS--large scale energy saver

UPS--large scale energy saver

No "left turns" for UPS drivers. It may sound like micromanagement gone berserk but it is true. USP drivers do not make left hand turns. UPS is probably the largest package delivery system next to the USPS. The boys in brown deliver in over 200 countries and adopt energy saving methodologies such as preselected routes and no left hand turning. A safety factor is also a plus. They claim that they eliminate "...28.5 million miles off its delivery routes, which has resulted in savings of roughly three million gallons of gas and has reduced CO2 emissions by 31,000 metric tons." The "right turn on red" has been adopted all over the US and has saved time and why not eliminate left hand turns.

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- Chump Change, But A Clever Way To Make More Bucks
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- Mr. Zip...going "green"?
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