Underwater Base Jumping

What's crazier than Guillaume Néry, who decides to base jump into the deepest blue hole in the world while holding his breath, no oxygen tanks or anything?
Apparently Julie Gautier, the girl who decides to film the whole thing while holding her own breath...
I don't really get how the guy deals with Boyle's law: sinking into the oceanic depths while holding air in his lungs, which he later exhales toward the end of his ascent, but if true, this is insane...
Update: It seems the video is an artistic work of FICTION. Nery never actually made it to the bottom of the blue hole, as that is apparently impossible: the hole is about 202 meters deep, and the world diving record (without fins, rope or other equipment) is 95 meters.
Still, it's absolutely stunning and well made, and I can't stop watching it and trying to hold my breath for the length of the video... unsuccessfully, but I think my brain is secretly glad :)
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