Unconditional Love

For some reason, I?ve been thinking about the concept of unconditional love lately. Thinking, that is, about whether such love is desirable, about whether I would want to be loved unconditionally. The answer I?ve come to is this: ?hell no!?
For those of us who were raised Christian, the concept was presented as comforting, praiseworthy and awe-inspiring. While human love is conditional, God?s love, we were taught, is unconditional. No matter what you do, no matter how embarrassing or evil, God, so the story goes, will still love you. Great idea, right? Wrong.
Let?s think about what it would be like to be loved unconditionally. Remember, we?re talking about
unconditional love. It?s great to be in a relationship (romantic or not) with someone who is willing to forgive your screw-ups from time to time and continue to love you. But this is not unconditional love. To be loved unconditionally is to be loved
no matter what one does, what one becomes. Imagine it:
?Honey, I killed five people. And I liked it. I think I?ll keep it up until I get caught.?
-It?s okay, I still love you.
?Baby, I have a whole other family in California.?
-It?s okay, I still love you.
?Dear, I never loved you. I just married you for the money.?
-It?s okay, I still love you.
?Babe, I?ve been lying to you all these years. I never went to college and I don?t work at Google. I?m a con artist. You were my greatest con job.?
-It?s okay, I still love you.
Of course these are exaggerated examples, but my point is this: it seems that one who loves another person unconditionally doesn?t love
that person at all. Presumably, we come to love particular people because of something
about the object of our affection. Think When Harry Met Sally: ?I love that you take five minutes to order a sandwich.? One who loves another unconditionally seems to not love any particular thing about that person, but only, perhaps that they exist (or that they exist in a certain way--as one?s daughter, say).
For someone who loves another unconditionally, the answer to the question ?Why do you love me?? must be, it seems, something like ?Because you?re my spouse,? or ?Because you?re my child? or ?Because you?re my teammate.? But
anyone could have been one?s child or spouse or teammate. The object of one?s unconditional love seems to be interchangeable with many other persons. It is not
you that is loved, but
that you exist in a certain way. Personally, if I asked someone who I thought loved me, ?Why do you love me?? I would expect (hope for) an answer with more content than ?Because you?re my son.?
I want to be loved and, thus, I would not want to be loved unconditionally (by anyone or anything).
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