Tucson Bans Ethnic Studies Program

Tucson Bans Ethnic Studies Program

Oh irony of ironies... just as Rick Santorum is lying about the fact that several California universities don't teach American History, Arizona's governor has just signed a bill actually banning ethnic studies from the curriculum of public schools, and the Tucson School Board of Education has taken advantage of this opportunity and decided to ban their Mexican-American Studies program because, get this... it makes white men look bad by teaching kids the historical fact that the land that used to belong to their ancestors was taken over by the white man...

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That bitch, Rosa Clark... And hey, If they weren't brainwashing these kids with burritos, then why am I thinking "yo quiero Taco Bell"?

Ok, but for a more serious treatment of this issue, and of what race theory actually entails, you might want to read this article from the New York Times' philosophy column The Stone.

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