Trylon and Perisphere at the New York World's Fair 1939

Trylon and Perisphere at the New York World's Fair 1939

Trylon and Perisphere [Wikipedia]

1939 New York World's Fair [Wikipedia]

- Free And Fair Elections
Whenever an aspiring democracy sends its citizens to the polls, we hear that monitors are on the ground to determine if the election was free and fair. Now, an election could certainly be free without being fair, say, if there was no intimidation of voters...

- Fair Price And Market Price
Picking up on yesterday's discussion, let's consider the difference between morality and the marketplace. What is the fair price for something? When you go to, say, the Kelley Blue Book site, they will tell you what the fair market value for any...

- Wallace Carothers, Nylon, Nylon Stockings--oh My!
In 1939, nylon yarn was sold to hosiery mills to make women's stockings; marking the first use of commercial yarn for apparel. The product of DuPont, Wilmington, Deleware, enabled a record number of ladies' hose to go on sale for the first time...

- Poly [methyl Methacrylate] And The Transparent Car...a 1939 Pontiac
A transparent car brought to you by General Motors and Rohm and Haas Company...and shown at the 1939 New York World's Fair. Not so much to show off the automobile but introduce the world to plastics. "1939 Clear Car Showcases Miracle of Plexiglas"...

- 71 Years Ago And Promises Of The Future
"1939’s ‘World of Tomorrow’ Shaped Our Today" by Jon Snyder April 29th, 2010 Wired The New York World’s Fair of 1939 and 1940 promised visitors they would be looking at the “World of Tomorrow.” Not everything they saw there came true,...

