The voters won in Seattle plastic bag battle but the war isn't over

"Where Recycling Plastic Bags is Mandatory"
Kate Galbraith
August 19th, 2009
The New York Times
Earlier today I posted about how, despite Seattle voters’ rejection of a 20-cent tax on plastic and paper bags, the bag wars are likely to continue.After publication, the American Chemistry Council (which represents plastic bag makers and bankrolled the successful Seattle opposition) sent me an e-mail message with some data I had requested about which localities have enacted mandatory bag recycling legislation.Delaware’s governor signed legislation this week requiring plastic bag recycling in the state (meaning that large stores must have bag recycling stations). Similar legislation has passed in California (2006), New York (2008) and Rhode Island (2008).Several cities have also adopted mandatory bag recycling policies: Tuscon, Chicago, Red Bank, N.J., and San Juan Capistrano, Calif. (New York City and several counties in New York state also moved last year to require bag recycling, but this has now been preempted by statewide rules.)The group also provided a list of places where plastic bag feesbans or taxes have been enacted:1. San Francisco, Calif., bag ban (2007)2. Malibu, Calif. (2008)3. Maui County, Hawaii (2008)4. Westport, Conn. (2008)5. Fairfax, Calif. (2008)6. Palo Alto, Calif. (2009)7. North Carolina Outer Banks (Currituck, Dare and Hyde Counties) (2009)8. Edmonds, Wash. (2009)9. Bethel, Alaska (2009)10. District of Columbia (2009)As for the Seattle vote, “most Seattle residents already reuse plastic bags, and many also are aware that they can recycle them,” said Steve Russell, a vice president of plastics for the American Chemistry Council, in a statement.Seattle bag battle
"upcycling"...add To Your Vocabulary
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