The Matrix as a Silent Film

When they directed The Matrix and its sequels, the Wachowski brothers were confronted with a dilemma: their fantastic sci-fi story required visual and special effects that simply did not exist at the time. What to do?
Hey, the fact that there was no calculus didn't stop Newton from inventing it so he could get on with his scientific research. Similarly, the Wachowski brothers decided to invent the revolutionary technology required to bring their vision to fruition, and they deserve a lot of credit for that.
But what if they had decided to shoot the film during, say, the 1930's? Here is what it might have looked like :)
Here's the movie based on Charlie Chaplin's autobiography, starring Robert Downey Jr.
Feast Of Saint Charlie
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, This week we saw the birthday of one of the greatest physical comedians in history, the one and only Charlie Chaplin. Born in London, Chaplin's mother was institutionalized and he grew up...
Trapped In Virtual Reality
Nick LaClair Book Seven of The Republic of Plato clearly illustrates the classic metaphor of someone being blinded from reality, and then revealed to a unfamiliar new world. We see this as the subjects have lived in the cave their entire life, completely...
Two Historical Cinematic Halloween Offerings
Above is an example of the two-strip cemented positive process. Film strip A is the black and white negative. Film strip B is the black and white silver record of the red layer. Film strip C is the black and white silver record of the green layer. ...
Chaplin Film Bought For £3.20 Fails At Auction
"Rare Charlie Chaplin film fails to sell" June 30th, 2011 BBC NEWS A rare Charlie Chaplin film bought for £3.20 on eBay has failed to sell at auction despite being expected to fetch "a significant six-figure sum". Charlie Chaplin in Zepped, thought...
$4,600.00...for A Dress?
If you have it, spend it. "Marilyn Monroe's Seven Year Itch dress sells for $4.6m" June 19th, 2011 BBC NEWS The white dress worn by Marilyn Monroe in the 1955 film The Seven Year Itch has sold for $4.6m (£2.8m) at an auction in Los Angeles. The...