The Kind of Person: An Experiment

The Kind of Person: An Experiment

Let's try something new, something completely different. I've had this idea for a while and wasn't sure if it would fly, but what the heck. It'll be called "The Kind of Person" and the idea is that I will sketch an archetype and in the comments we try to come up with sentences of the form "S/He's the kind of person who _________" that perfectly capture the archetype.

Let's start with that person we all know who is simply too perfect. I had a friend in high school who for an entire summer shaved half his face because his girlfriend was going away and he was so good looking he wanted to cut down the temptation of getting constantly hit on. You wanted to hate the guy, but he was so kind, so much fun, so talented, such a Mensch that you just couldn't.


She's the kind of person who can draw a perfect circle on an etchasketch.

He's the kind of person who can wear khakis and never get "the spot."

She's the kind of person who trips on a crack in the sidewalk and looks like she's dancing.

He's the kind of person who can call a wrong number and get asked to call back.


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