The Gilbert Molten Lead Casting Kit

The Gilbert Molten Lead Casting Kit

The Gilbert Molten Lead Casting Kit allowed the adventurous you to scoop up molten metal and cast an army of glorious minions while ingesting your RDA of toxic poisoning.  And you thought Easy-Bake ovens and Creepy Crawlers and lead-based paints were hazardous.  We say ‘no’ far too often to kids.  They just wanna have fun without all the hassles.

A. C. Gilbert Company [Wikipedia]

A.C. Gilbert Kaster Kits

I suppose this would be a hazardous toy too...

- How Soon Is Too Soon?
My Fellow Comedists, This week, good brother YKW sent me a link to Gilbert Godfried's Twitter feed full of Japan earthquake/tsunami jokes.What does Japanese Jews like to eat? Hebrew National Tsunami. What does every Japanese person have in their apartment?...

- The Feast Of Saint Gilbert
My Fellow Comedists, This weekend is the feast of Saint Gilbert. Gilbert Gottfried turns 55 this weekend. Probably best known now for his voice work in Aladdin and as the AFLAC duck, he is a master stand-up. Indeed, Gilbert Gottfried is a throwback. He...

- Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Laboratory Redux
An excerpt from A. C. Gilbert's autobiography: The Man Who Lives In Paradise... The most spectacular of our new educational toys was the Gilbert Atomic Energy Laboratory. This was a top job, the result of much experimentation and hard...

- A. C. Gilbert--1960 Commercial
Nearly fifty years ago this television commercial aired for the legendary toy science manufacturer A. C. Gilbert. That was a unique era of science sets especially for chemistry. This commercial covers microscopes, physics sets, chemistry sets, telescopes,...

- A. C. Gilbert "u-238 Atomic Energy Lab"
Science can yield technologies that can grease the economic wheel--so can an old science toy: The A. C. Gilbert "U-238 Atomic Energy Lab" issued in 1951. The A. C. Gilbert chemistry sets were enormously popular and existing sets do command a premium but...

