The Fabric of the Cosmos - What Is Space?

The Fabric of the Cosmos - What Is Space?

That's probably not the first question that comes to mind for most people when they wake up in the morning, but it is definitely one that has kept some of the greatest minds of all time awake at night. What exactly is space? Is it a substance? Is it merely a relationship between objects? Whatever it is, is it static or dynamic, absolute or relative, immanent or transcendent? If there no physical objects in the universe, would empty space still exist, or is that an incoherent question, like asking what happened before the beginning of time? Join Brian Greene in a fascinating (if gimmicky) exploration of one of the most fundamental scientific and philosophical questions in this first episode of The Fabric of the Cosmos:

And in case the youtube video stops working at some point, here's the original from NOVA:

Watch The Fabric of the Cosmos: What Is Space? on PBS. See more from NOVA.

For more related videos, check out the Elegant Universe Tag.

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