The Effects of Professional Philosophers

The Effects of Professional Philosophers

Peter Singer has another op/ed in the New York Times Magazine, this one on health care. A colleague asked me a while back if there was a philosopher still living who has had any effect on contemporary popular American discourse. Peter Singer's work on the treatment of animals was the only one I could think of. Anyone I am missing?

On a related note, Hilzoy is leaving the blogosphere. She will be missed.

- Mental Health Parity And Identity
One of most celebrated questions in philosophy is the mind/body problem, that is, are the mind and the brain the same thing or different things. If they are different, how, if at all, are they interconnected? Let's take an oblique approach to this...

- Placebos, Doctors, And Patients
We know that the placebo effect is real. Some people will actually get better if they think they are being treated. It is not that they think they're getting better, they actually are. So, if I am ill and my doctor thinks that given what he knows...

- Rip Peter Boyle
Fellow comedists, I speak to you in mourning today for we have lost a giant...a big, green giant and I'm not talking Hans Delbruck. Peter Boyle was a fantastic actor. His work in Joe and The Candidate were magnificent. But today he sits with Saint...

- The Importance Of Recognition
I'm in full dissertation mode. It has been hard to post regularly or even think about non-dissertation-related topics. So, I've decided to write about what I've been thinking about in relation to the dissertation. In the past few months,...

- Peter Singer - The Ethics Of What We Eat
One of the recurring themes in human history has been the blindness that those in power experience with regard to those they manage to subjugate. The question of the interests of the latter seldom breach the surface of the former's consideration....

