The Devil - Child-Abusing Priests

When it comes to evil, no one does it better than the devil... except for Catholic priests who abuse children. That's just crossing the line...
Check out the long and embarrassing history of child abuse in the Church.
Devil's Advocate
In the last chapter of Cass Sunstein's wonderful book Infotopia which considers the places where epistemology touches social psychology, he devotes a section to the effectiveness of Devil's Advocates in helping to avoid groupthink in its various...
From The "irony Can Be So Ironic" File
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, Last weekend we wished happy holidays to all those non-Comedists celebrating the traditional holy days of their various faiths, and members of the Greek and Armenian Orthodox Churches responded...
Bullshit Or Not: Nietzsche Edition
There's an old sketch film called Amazon Women on the Moon and one of the bits is a parody of the old Leonard Nimoy show, "In Search Of..." called, "Bullshit or Not?" with the tagline "Bullshit or not? You decide." So I've stolen it for what is...
Sex: An Unnatural History - The Church
One of the ways in which religions have managed to control their followers is by controlling their sexuality, telling them what's allowed, what's forbidden, what they can be punished for eternally, what the purpose of sex is, and so on. And for...
A History Of Catholic Church Sex Scandals
The Catholic Church has recently found itself smack in the middle of the same controversy that we've all unfortunately become accustomed to hearing about over the past few years: perverted priests have been molesting children, and as usual, instead...