The "War on Christmas" Begins Again...

The "War on Christmas" Begins Again...

When Thanksgiving rolls around, there are a few things I don't want to look forward to, even though deep down inside I know are inevitable: bad Christmas music (virtually all of it), the commercialization of yet another holiday, and the self-victimization of Conservatives who refuse to acknowledge that we live in a pluralistic society. This is the so-called War on Christmas (about which we've reported before with the comedic genius of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert respectively).

The latest set of lame arguments tries to go the patriotic route by claiming that Christmas has been, even before the inception of this nation, an American tradition.

Well, these idiots are about to get schooled :)

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Of course, the worst part of it all is that it's all just a big distraction from the real problems we fail to acknowledge and confront. Makes me mad :(

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