That's Not a Boardng Pass, It's Foreplay

That's Not a Boardng Pass, It's Foreplay

With the more personally invasive checks by the TSA, I'm wondering how long it will take Southwest to start running ads with the tagline, "$59 one-way, it's cheaper than dinner and a movie."

I'm just glad no one has told Homeland Security about this guy yet.
Abdullah Asieri avoided detection by two sets of airport security and palace security, in his mission to eliminate prince Mohammed Bin Nayef, head of Saudi Arabia's counter terrorism operations. Taking a trick from the narcotics trade - which has long smuggled drugs in body cavities - Asieri had a pound of explosives, plus a detonator inserted in his rectum, reports CBS News.
Maybe it is finally time to bring NIH under the Homeland Security umbrella and have our airport screeners also be licensed urologists so that the prevention of terrorist attacks and the early detection of prostate cancer both become national priorities. I mean, hey, they're already wearing the latex gloves...

- A Deal Lieberman Couldn't Refuse?
Seems to me that there are four possible explanations for the Lieberman fiasco: (1) The caucus believes that they are at 60 with Begich and Franken and the super-majority was more important than Lieberman's behavior. (2) Obama is serious about ending...

- Vodka Tampons
Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wives, and hide yo' husbands because according to some high school security guard who obviously has easy access to demographic private data concerning teens, housewives, teachers, corporate lawyers, top politicians,...

- 9/11 Benefited Invasive Species
From American Scientist came this short note... After 9/11, hundreds of agricultural scientists responsible for stopping invasive species at the border were reassigned to anti-terrorism duties in the newly formed Department of Homeland Security--a move...

- Color-coded Terror Warnings
Japan is keeping theirs. "Color-coded terror warnings to be gone by April 27" by Eileen Sullivan January 26th, 2011 The Associated Press By the end of April, terror threats to the U.S. will no longer be described in shades of green, blue, yellow, orange...

- Dexi: Reveal An Individual's Privacy
DEXI [diffraction-enhanced X-ray imaging] is destined to cause major airline security issues and a flood of law suits. What price security and individual privacy? Transgenders, females menstruating, individuals using medical appliances such as colostomy...

