Technology poll

Technology poll

Has technology become too important in our lives?



Ask yourself this...when was the last time you received a hand-written first class letter? It has been a while, hasn't it?

Sure technology is cool and appears to morph into something better in a matter of nano-seconds: 3G, 4G, HDTV, digital TV, dish, cable, delayed broadcast, CDR, video phones, a zillion aps, bundling, mindless texting, emails, social networking. But does anyone take a pen to paper? Nope. Besides technological goodies soon wear out and become junk.

How about automobiles that are still on the road after 20 years...does the airbag still have the ability to function. How about those soon to be mandated rear cameras. Will they still work in 2031? Will the GPS send you to your destination via the ghetto?

I drive a 20 year old truck with no additional accessories, I use a landline phone, and still use a fountain pen to write letters.

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