T-Rex - Warrior or Wimp?

T-Rex - Warrior or Wimp?

For the last hundred years since its discovery, Tyrannosaurus Rex has ruled the public imagination as the greatest and most ferocious predator to ever live on our planet. While we all love dinosaur movies, or to visit museums and stare endlessly at their impressive skeletal structures, no one (except perhaps for a few adrenaline addicted junkies) would want to be in the vicinity of a real hungry T-Rex...

But was this even a predator? Could it have been no more than a mere scavenging vulture? What does the scientific evidence actually suggest? Well, because the data is limited and our access indirect and sometimes more circumstantial than definitive, there is a lot of speculation that has to go into these conjectures, so there are no conclusive answers just yet, but at least a few aspects of the evidence do raise some very interesting questions, as the following documentary shows:

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