Stephen Hawking - A Brief History of Time

Stephen Hawking is one of the world's most famous theoretical physicists around. Everyone knows who he is, partly because of his physical disability, partly because of the synthetic voice through which he communicates (and refuses to upgrade), and partly from his cameo appearances in The Simpsons and Family Guy :)
None of that explains why he is so famous among the members of the scientific community, however, and the answer has to do with his incredible work on some of the biggest questions posed by physics, as well as his fearless willingness to play with new ideas and tread in unknown territory, all while being faithful to scientific principles and rigorous thinking.
Because of this powerful combination, not to say anything of his sheer intellectual brilliance, Hawking has made incredible contributions to cosmology and theoretical physics. His study of black holes, for instance, and the prediction of Hawking radiation and its relationship to the event horizon, demonstrated for the first time the real possibility of making quantum mechanics and general relativity compatible with each other.
But Hawking is not simply pure (virtually disembodied) genius; he's got quite the personality and sense of humor, and this is his story.
I bet that guy learned not to overload the wheelchair, didn't he? :)
Who Is Hawking Really Worried About?
Stephen Hawking has been warning us lately that it might be a bad idea to risk contact with extraterrestrials because they might be malicious. There is no reason, he argues, to think that an advanced race of beings who could come this far would be friendly...
Stephen Hawking Ill
Just in... "Scientist Hawking ill in hospital" Leading scientist Stephen Hawking is "very ill" in hospital, his employer Cambridge University has said. April 20th, 2009 BBC A spokesman said Professor Hawking was undergoing tests at Addenbrooke's...
"living Popular Scientist" Poll
Who is your choice for living "popular" scientist? Brian Greene...0 Freeman Dyson...3 Lawrence Krauss...0 Neil deGrasse Tyson...2 Stephen Hawking...3 Somewhat surprised. I suppose Hawking would lead...he is quite an icon. I expected Krauss to be at the...
S. Hawking To Canada
Is this publicity or real research? "Hawking Plans Research at Center Started by BlackBerry Founder" by Greg Quinn November 27th, 2008 Stephen Hawking, a U.K. physics professor known for his work on black holes, plans to study at a...
S. Hawking Documentary
Stephen Hawking at 21 "...Hawking, who is now 66, hints at this: "I would have liked to have done more," he concedes, "in particular to have found a complete theory of quantum gravity and the early universe." Wishful thinking and a fundamental philosophical...