St. Thomas Aquinas and the Miracle of the Herrings

I've read St. Thomas Aquinas' theology and philosophy, but I've never stopped to wonder why he's considered a saint. I probably assumed that being the prolific and influential writer he was, establishing the basic conceptual foundations of Catholicism and thereby becoming one of the Doctors of the Church, was probably justification enough to endow him with such a title.
As it turns out, I was wrong. Being the Church's greatest theologian and philosopher of all time is not quite enough to get you to party with Jesus. For that, it seems, you need some incontrovertible evidence of a miracle, and if the following story doesn't convince you we're dealing with real transcendence here, I don't know what will :)
Of course, Aquinas should have been worshiping Mithras, not Jesus...
Explain The Teleological Argument For The Existence Of God.
a) Explain the teleological argument for the existence of God. [25] The teleological argument is one of five arguments for the existence of God. It attempts to prove God?s existence by using our experience of the world or universe around us. This makes...
Julia Sweeney - Letting Go Of God
Religious faith has at least one thing going for it: it gives you comfort... as long as you don't think about it. My own intellectual journey into eventual atheism started with a serendipitous reading of Nietzsche (which also hooked me into philosophy)....
Rowan Atkinson - Jesus And The Devil
The New Testament is a set of interpretations on the life of Jesus of Nazareth, and a very varied set of interpretations at that, but I think you'll agree with me that none of those interpretations quite compare to British comedian Rowan Atkinson's...
Elaine Pagels...religious Historian Still Teaching And Writing
Elaine Pagels February 13th, 1943 Quite a scholar and often consulted on PBS specials on theology. She was "...born in Palo Alto, California (1943). She's a professor at Princeton and she's most famous for her work on early Christian texts, especially...
"god's Philosophers..."...medieval Religion And Science
Off to the library for this one. Promotional copy: This is a powerful and a thrilling narrative history revealing the roots of modern science in the medieval world. The adjective 'medieval' has become a synonym for brutality and uncivilized behavior....