Space shuttles...decades later

Space shuttles...decades later

One wonders about the shuttles in decades to come. In times past we were enamored by steam locomotion and many engines were placed in parks and rail museums for our awe and entertainment. Most of them are gone now. Could a similar fate happen to the shuttles?

- Technology Gone Wrong
Things can go wrong with technology: A car's accelerator can stick, shuttles explode or disintegrate, rockets explode on the launch pad...or the "start" button can accidentally be activated on a Xerox copy machine. ...

- Six To Four Move
Space Shuttle Atlantis astronauts, from left, Doug Hurley, Rex Walheim, Sandy Magnus and Chris Ferguson after a crew news conference at the Johnson Space Center in Houston last month. "Only 4 Fliers for Last Shuttle Launch" by Kenneth Chang July 6th,...

- 38 Years Later...shuttle Discovery To Be Retired
An historic event on Wednesday, November 3rd 2010. "Discovery's final home 'up in the air'" November 1st, 2010 SPACE TRAVEL As the space shuttle Discovery is prepared for its Wednesday launch on its final mission, uncertainty surrounds...

- Shuttles--others See Problem Too
"Space Shuttle: Same Old Damage, Same Old Worries" by Jeffrey Kluger May. 13th, 2009 Time Here are three things NASA can do to become a safer agency: stop flying Atlantis, stop flying Endeavour, stop flying Discovery. Those, of course, are NASA's...

- "retire Shuttles" Poll
Is it time to retire the current space shuttles? Yes...4 No...2 Well, Shuttle Atlantis lifted off without a problem today but faces issues of old age, space debris, risky Hubble Telescope repairs, docking with the ISS, and a trip back to Earth. The Shuttle...

