Some nostalgia
Remember the premiums offered on cereal boxes or the advertisements in the back of the comic books not approved by one's parents. Most were for hundreds of Revolutionary War figures or a modern army. Some offered one to be a salesman and make a "fortune" selling junk. Some were risque. And some offered science items. I had a set of the following. They were cheap: Two box tops and 25 cents yielded the whole works plus the ones packed inside. And they were cool: The gauges were made of lithographed metal plates about three inches in diameter. Hours of fantasized fun traveling in space from a dimly lit corner of the basement.

These ads were in the back pages of comic books and were pricey too. I never had one and often wondered how close the actual item matched the artist's rendition.Well...
Some fun...some science toys [frogmen and submarine]Spinthariscope
Physics Comics From Comic Book Plus
"7 Public Domain Physics Comics Worth Reading" June 23rd, 2014 Physics Central The Golden Age of comic books stretched from the 1930s through the 1950s and overlapped with a time of unbridled optimism about the progress of science. People wanted to know...
Deceased--les Daniels
Les Daniels October 27th, 1943 to November 5th, 2011 "Les Daniels, Historian of Comic Books, Dies at 68" by Dennis Hevesi November 14th, 2011 The New York Times Les Daniels, one of the earliest historians of comic books — from the launching (off the...
Happy Meal Law Suit Now
"Is McDonald's Breaking the Law by Putting Toys in Happy Meals?" by Sean Gregory July 2nd, 2010 Time Millions of parents know the drill. Stevie wants to go to McDonald's for a Happy Meal, because along with his burger and fries comes the...
A Worthy Blog..."golden Age Comic Book Stories"
Pulp magazines, comic books, art, science fiction, adventure, still photos...this is a cool blog. Make a whisky and spend some time there. Golden Age Comic Book Stories NOTE: For some reason the blogger has removed the blog. ...
A. C. Gilbert "u-238 Atomic Energy Lab"
Science can yield technologies that can grease the economic wheel--so can an old science toy: The A. C. Gilbert "U-238 Atomic Energy Lab" issued in 1951. The A. C. Gilbert chemistry sets were enormously popular and existing sets do command a premium but...