Slavoj Zizek - First as Tragedy, Then as Farce

Slavoj Zizek - First as Tragedy, Then as Farce

When Marx attempted to analyse world history through the lens of dialectical materialism, it was clear to him that the development of any given economic and social stratification would produce the seeds of its own destruction. Accordingly, he thought that when it came to capitalism, "what the bourgeoisie, therefore, produces, above all, is its own grave-diggers."

But even though Marx saw further into the structure, logic and nature of capitalism than almost anyone, and while he understood equally well its incredible intellectual resourcefulness and flexibility, he may have underestimated how capitalism would eventually identify the seeds of its own destruction and plant them for its own purposes, exploiting your personal sense of altruism and social responsibility to perpetuate its supremacy. Slavoj Zizek explains:

Capitalism creates the dilemma... you're the one that has to live it...

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