Sir Patrick Moore--British amateur astronomer and more
Sir Patrick Moore Small tribute to one who popularized astronomy in Great Britain and unfortunately programing never was available in the United States--Sir Patrick Moore: 60 books plus on astronomy, deeply involved in radio and television programs on astronomy, was a musician and accomplished xylophone player [Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey].b3ta interviewBBC BioSF Site interviewSir Alfred Patrick Caldwell-MooreSir Patrick
Patrick Moore by
Patrick Moore
ISBN-10: 075094014X
About eight bucks.
[Oxford was on loan.]
Royal Astronomical Society Isn't Interested In Sir Patrick Moore's Residence
"Sir Patrick Moore astronomy centre plans scrapped, says Brian May" Brian May has confirmed that Sir Patrick Moore's home will not be converted into an astronomy centre, despite his close friend's wishes. by Rhiannon Williams September 19th,...
Brian May To Host Moore's "sky At Night"?
"Brian May should replace Sir Patrick Moore on Sky At Night, astronomy experts say" Queen guitarist Brian May should replace Sir Patrick Moore on BBC1’s Sky At Night, leading astronomy professors have claimed, hailing the musician as one of the few...
Deceased--patrick Moore
Patrick MooreMarch 4th, 1923 to December 9th, 2012 "Astronomer Patrick Moore dies" Astronomer and Sky at Night TV presenter dies died peacefully at home according to his friends and staff December 9th, 2012 The astronomer Sir Patrick Moore...
Raymond C. Moore...crinoid Man
Raymond C. Moore February 20th, 1892 to April 16th, 1974 From left, Raymond C. Moore, William W. Hambleton, and Frank C. Foley. Raymond C. Moore was an American paleontologist [University of Kansas] known for his work on Paleozoic crinoids, bryozoans,...
Pluto, Saturn, Hawking, Earth's Gravity--april Fool
Well, did you jump and experience a fleeting moment of less gravity? Would you believe only one friend of mine fell for it. I'm doing much better now...I am out of the hospital and I can receive nourishment through a I am okay. The origin...