Should There Be a 100% Tax Bracket?

Should There Be a 100% Tax Bracket?

Stealing a question from Kerry today, but I think is a good one. Is there an amount of money one can earn in a year for which we as a society say,"O.k., that's enough." Should there be a 100% tax bracket, an amount where once you've made that much, the rest goes to help the greater good? Put it at a hundred million dollars or a billion dollars, wherever. Is there a point where we should say you've made the maximum this year?

- The Purpose Of Public Libraries
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- Is There An Ethical Statute Of Limitations?
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- The Feasts Of Saint Marcel And Saint Chico
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- Death And Taxes...well, Ethical Theory And Taxes Anyway
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- No To Yucca Mountain Repository
Dear Mr. McCain and Mr. Obama: Please read the following before you make commitments to nuclear plant construction involving "fission" reactors. Sink promises and funds into "fusion" research and development and alternate energy sources. The estimated...

