Science vs. Philosophy? Nigga Please...

Science vs. Philosophy? Nigga Please...

When it comes to the question of the importance and relevance of philosophy, I'm not sure whether Lawrence Krauss just loves the attention of being polemic, doesn't get just how narrow-minded and simplistic his beliefs are, doesn't realize he's committing some major category mistakes and some basic logical fallacies that a first-year philosophy student would easily identify, or is just too stubborn to admit that he spoke out of his ass without knowing what the hell he is talking about, especially about a subject about which he seems to know very little. For a scientist, you'd think he'd be persuaded by the ample evidence presented to justify philosophy, so whatever the merits of the arguments, his attitude in this case seems entirely unscientific.

It would be easy to create a straw man and dismiss philosophers as illiterate when it comes to science, and depending on the branch of philosophical inquiry, that charge could stick in some cases, but what happens when someone like Massimo Pigliucci, who's both a philosopher and a scientist, enters the discussion? Some major ass kicking!

But if you're not persuaded by the evidence or the logic of the arguments, perhaps a little art will persuade you that philosophy and science are best thought of as cooperative friends, not competitive foes, so in that spirit I present this awesome tattoo I came across recently, which celebrates all of these disciplines as different approaches to enrich our mental life:

I'm wondering whether I ought to brand that ink on my body... thoughts?

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