Sand formations

Art and the application of physics: The action of wind, rain, snow, and chemicals--aesthetically pleasing.
Mars Global Surveyor [MGS] Mars Orbiter Camera [MOC] image.
It's not what's for dinner: Pasta covered in pepper and parsley.It's not breakfast either: Croissants.They are Martian sand dunes thawing in June in the North Polar region. The dark spots: Maybe rocks.
"curiosity" Teases...that's Not Quite Scientific
I suppose it is a way of attracting the public interest, but it is not good science. "Undisclosed Finding by Mars Rover Fuels Intrigue" by Kenneth Chang November 27th, 2012 The New York Times The Mars rover Curiosity has found something — something...
"kowabonga Dudes. Surf's Up."...curiosity Hits The Beach With A Sand Sample
"Nasa's Curiosity Mars rover to scoop sand sample" by Jonathan Amos October 5th, 2012 BBC News The Curiosity rover is preparing to scoop its first sample of Martian soil. The vehicle, which landed on the Red Planet in August, has driven up to a...
Curiosity's Snap Of Mount Sharp
spaceREF... The telephoto images beamed back to Earth show a scene of eroded knobs and gulches on a mountainside, with geological layering clearly exposed. The new views were taken by the 100-millimeter telephoto lens and the 34-milllimeter wide angle...
The Lambroghini Of Mars?--at 0.00037mph
"Pull over buddy. This is a school zone."
"Martian Road Trip: A Three-Year Journey at 0.00037 M.P.H."
Michael D. Lemonick
August 15th, 2011
Missions to Mars rarely go as planned. In some cases, that's a bad thing: from 1998...
Nova--"hunting The Hidden Dimension"
Dan Lindeberg Being aired this Tuesday evening, October 28th, on most PBS stations is a program on fractals where art and science meet..."Hunting the Hidden Dimension". Hunting the Hidden Dimension How ancient the relationship is. Such a relationship...