San Francisco (ish) Time Lapse

I've never been to the Bay Area... or the West Coast either, now that I think about it, but after seeing the following amazing time lapse of the San Francisco area (especially the shots of the fog pouring over the city), I'm beginning to seriously realize that I may have to do something about that in the near future...
Who wants to come with me? :)
Check out more amazing time lapses here.
The Two Towers Of Dubai Time Lapse
I am by no means a fan of the materialistic extravagance of places like Dubai, or the fact that its wealth comes from the exploitation of people all over the world and from the depletion and pollution of natural ecosystems everywhere... and when I think...
Tempest Milky Way Time Lapse
With the semester coming to an end, I'm buried neck-deep in student term papers, final exams and class projects, so I won't have time to go into some rant today... and probably next week too. I need to save all my mental energy to accurately assess...
Journey Through Canyons Time Lapse
About a year ago I went on a trip through various canyons in the Utah/Arizona area, and while my own feelings about that trip have gotten murky and confused over the past year (due to personal reasons), one thing that can't be denied is the sublime...
Earth Rotating Time Lapse
Apropos of Foucault's pendulum and the illusion it produces (namely, that it's the pendulum that rotates, when in fact it's the Earth rotating below it), I came across a video that has just emerged on the interwebs, and which helps with this...
Things Disappear
Amazing how some are stored in the memory or photographs long after the actual item is gone and one often wonders what happened to that object. Near me is Park University and had high on top of a hill an observatory that had been designated as the oldest...