San Francisco - One toothpick at a time

The poet/philosopher Lucretius once remarked about the irony that many of the people who desperately wish for an eternal afterlife are usually the very same people who are constantly bored and wasting their lives. Go figure...
Although there are some exceptions, I tend to think that being bored is usually a consequence of being boring. Of course, we usually tend to assume that our boredom is caused by external factors, and we complain that 'things' are boring, but that may be simply because we don't want to face the harsh reality that often we just don't know what to do with ourselves.
Not Scott Weaver... give him an unlimited supply of toothpicks and some glue, and he'll manage to produce some very impressive forms of art, including a sculpture of San Francisco, complete with with multiple ping-pong ball tours...
What are you creating in your spare time?
What Is Love?
To recognize its 50th anniversary last week and Valentine's Day today, at noon by the mayor's proclamation, everyone in San Francisco will sing along with Tony Bennett's "I Left My Heart in San Francisco." A fitting tribute from the city that...
Is Variety The Spice Of Life?
Is there an inherent worth to variety? Is it a response to the modern notion of boredom that doesn't come about until industrialization gives us leisure and people trying to sell us things to do with our leisure time? The word "bored" doesn't...
Lucretius - De Rerum Natura - Death Is Nothing To Us
According to the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus, one of the greatest impediments to human flourishing is religious superstition. He thought that the idea of an afterlife is a pernicious tool wielded by those in power in order to manipulate, control,...
Are You Bored?
If you are bored, try these "eye ball" games....
The Origins Of Philosophy
Now that is a broad and deep subject but the following paper offers a good analysis. With few exceptions I normally do not post links for my experience has been that links often break down or disappear thus wasting one's time and diluting the post....