Rock 101: We Do Need Some Education
TheWife is not a popular music person, so around the house we tend to play world, jazz, or classical. But as Christmas approached, she voiced the concern that the kids might be alienated from their peers because they aren't listening to anything pop. But not being a music person, she wasn't sure what to get them. And so she asked.
My attitude is that before they listen to anything alternative, they should know what it is an alternative to. So, for the bigger of the short people, the obvious answer was the red album. For the shorter or the short people, I got a Chuck Berry collection.
What would be your suggestions for first albums in a collection? What should be the first steps in the foundation of one's understanding of rock music?
Concerts And The Health Of The Music Industry
Off to my annual B.B. King show tonight with Lil Bro and the Old Man tonight. It's always a good time with good music and usually the only concert I go to over the course of the summer. It's not always been that way. I've seen a lot of shows,...
What Makes You Ready For Art?
The taller of the short people has taken up the clarinet and as a result, we've been listening to clarinet music every morning on the way in. This has led them both to come to prefer swing. Not Duke Ellington or Count Basie's band, but Benny Goodman,...
Plagiarism And Music
The less short of the short people has begun studying the clarinet. In learning a small piece of Haydn's Surprise Symphony, her teacher was surprised when she added her own ending beyond the piece she was given to work on. Sensing (quite correctly)...
Deceased--storm Thorgerson
Storm Thorgerson February 28th, 1944 to April 18th, 2013 Pink Floyd's Animals Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon Led Zeppelin's Houses of the Holy "Storm Thorgerson's death marks the end of an era" British artist Storm...
Kxtr Classic 1660 Halloween Special
Patrick Neas is KXTR's Program Director and Morning Show Host from 6am to10am, Monday through Friday. Patrick has been waking up Kansas City area music lovers for more than ten years with a lively mix of uplifting and inspiring classical music, traffic,...