Rachel Louise Carson...a natural patriot
International Year of Biodiversity
Rachel Louise Carson
May 27th, 1907 to April 14th, 1964
Over 40 years ago we were introduced to environmental issues via the works of Rachel Carson.Rachel Carson [Wikipedia]The Life and Legacy of Rachel CarsonRead online...
Silent Spring
The Edge of the Sea 
The Sea Around Us
Are Late Night Talk Shows Obsolete?
This is the 50th anniversary of Johnny Carson taking over the Tonight Show. Steve Allen and Jack Paar made the show an important part of the television landscape, but Carson turned it into an American institution. Even after his departure, the next generation...
Heeeeere's Saint Johnny
Brothers, Sisters, and Transgendered Comedists Everywhere, Selecting an envelope from those that have been hermetically sealed in a mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnall's front porch since noon today...The answer is "Sherwin Williams, botulism, George...
Rachel Maddow
So Rachel Maddow is getting her own show on MSNBC. Not only is it wonderful that we're getting another female voice among the high power pundits, but someone who is openly lesbian and liberal. Most astonishing is that we'll have someone in a high...
Nice "work" If You Can Get It
So, looking at the 2008 White House Office Staff Salary List, there are four "Ethics Advisors": George, Allison Carr $130,694 Green, Marcella Moira $107,836 Sarkany, Sergio Francisco $86,279 Molinaro, Rachel E $58,206 None of whom seem...
Science Vs Religion...hypatia Of Alexandria [science] Lost
Hypatia of Alexandria Rachel Weisz as Hypatia Agora, a film by Alejandro Amenábar and staring Rachel Weisz as Hypatia, is an historical drama about Hypatia of Alexandria around 390 AD in Alexandria Egypt and her losing battle with early Christianity....