Pumpkins and trebuchets

Okay, all of you undergraduate and graduate students--have some fun this Halloween and construct a pumpkin tossing trebuchet. Exercise your Medieval sense of competition. Redefine "hurling". Plenty of time to construct a catapult and harvest a few pumpkins. Better than bobbing for apples and Homeland Security approved. Medieval SiegeReconstructing Medieval ArtilleryThe Algorithmic Beauty of the TrebuchetThe Grey Company Trebuchet Page
Yale Sex Ban
Yale University has banned all romantic and sexual contact between faculty and undergraduate students. It had previously been in place that it was unacceptable between any faculty member and any student where there was ?direct pedagogical or supervisory...
Halloween 2012
Below are all the Halloween treats for 2012. I hope you enjoyed some of them. Blood suckers of Connecticut H. P. Lovecraft treat..."The Alchemist" BE AFRAID...the Vampire Squid H. G. Wells treat..."The Star" Animation land Halloween cartoons ...
Middle Ages "greed"...contemporary "greed"
"Greed was different in the Middle Ages, researcher says" by Laura Stokes August 6th, 2012 Phys.Org Surveys of the carnage of the American financial crisis that began in 2008 have revealed the potent allure of personal gain above all else.But greed hasn't...
"god's Philosophers..."...medieval Religion And Science
Off to the library for this one. Promotional copy: This is a powerful and a thrilling narrative history revealing the roots of modern science in the medieval world. The adjective 'medieval' has become a synonym for brutality and uncivilized behavior....
Edge Of The Universe
Daniel Boorstin, The Discoverers [dust-jacket illustration; attributed to a 16th-century woodcut by the Bettmann Archive] A Medieval science thought experiment...well, maybe not so Medieval: "If you thrust your hand beyond the outermost sphere, would...