Public Ownership of the Means of Superbowl Production

Public Ownership of the Means of Superbowl Production

The Green Bay Packers have won the Superbowl, bringing the trophy named for their legendary coach back to the city of 100,000 people. Titletown, USA has another title. The Packers are owned by the fans, by the community in which they play, far and away the smallest of any major sports team. They are a non-profit organization. For those who think that profit motive always leads to better decisions and that the invisible hand of the marketplace necessarily makes institutions more effective and rational...all I have to say is communitarianism 31, private enterprise 25. But hey, the capitalists put up a fight and if it weren't for the turnovers, it could have gone the other way.

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- What Makes Sports Fans So Nuts?
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