

YKW throws down the gauntlet:

Predict the time at which any of the major TV and/or cable news networks calls the election Tuesday night. Price is Right rules (closest prediction without going over ? i.e., if you guess 11:08 and the event happens at 11:09, you lose to the person who picked 11:30). We avoid the Price is Right underbidding problem (one dollar!) since no one on the blog responses would know if they were the last bidder when making a submission.

- Fair Price And Market Price
Picking up on yesterday's discussion, let's consider the difference between morality and the marketplace. What is the fair price for something? When you go to, say, the Kelley Blue Book site, they will tell you what the fair market value for any...

- An Award For Cokie Roberts
I'm kind of getting used to this winning thing. Supporting Obama was a new experience for me. Generally, if you wanted to know who would win an election -- primary, general, or otherwise, look at who I didn't vote for. But now I'm on a roll,...

- Name That Ticket
O.k. prognosticators, time to pull out the crystal ball. Who will be the Democratic and Republican nominees for President and Vice President (that is, President in charge of vice), who will win, and, as a tie-breaker, what percentage of the popular vote...

- Rhett Allain, Physicist, Talks About Batteries
"A Physics Professor Asks: Are No-Name Batteries a Better Value Than Major Brands?"byBrad TuttleJanuary 27th, 2012TimeDuracell? Energizer? The cheapie packages of AAs at the dollar store? Tired of dumping money blindly on batteries for Wii remote controllers,...

- Chemical Industry Raises Prices
This two fold increase of 45% in two months through out the chemical industry will have a huge trickle down effect on every citizen on the globe. We are not privy to the ledgers of these companies but one wonders if this is an ethical and justifiable...

