Pixelated Invasion!

Pixelated Invasion!

What would it look like if the 8-bit creatures from your Atari childhood were unleashed in New York City?

As the following animated short film demonstrates, when PacMan, Pong, Tetris, Frogger, Donkey Kong and friends combine forces, the rest of us are in serious trouble...

After watching this, you have to admit that gaming could really save the world :)

- Why Do You Know That?
Let's go back once more to this one. It's the converse of "Auto Mechanics to Quantum Mechanics" where you provide everyone with those tidbits of useless knowledge you have stored away for no good reason. My contribution: Not all horse/donkey hybrids...

- A History Of Pretty Much Everything
I don't know if you've been paying attention, but a lot of stuff has been happening lately, and by lately I mean roughly the past fourteen and a half billion years. If you don't have the time to sit down and read Bill Bryson's A Short...

- "king Kong" Correction
A correction needs to made. On March 2nd I posted Kong hits the theaters today in 1933 . The release date is not entirely correct for it opened in New York city on March 2nd and April 7th for the nation-wide release. ...

- "the Day The Earth Stood Still"--remake
1951 2008 The remake of The Day The Earth Stood Still will have general theatrical release on December 12th. It is difficult to evaluate the film based on the trailer but one can infer, based on the small clip and some cinematic historical regularity,...

- "king Kong": Additional Material
Ok, you will like this. Several years ago I discovered an unusual film clip of a so-called lost section from the 1933 King Kong. There was nothing contextual with the clip offering an explanation and the Internet revealed nothing. Shortly, the clip disappeared...

